English Language Programs

GAC Foundation English

Stage Level Focus Teaching Hours Entry Exit Level After FEB
GAC Foundation English A
GAC Foundation English B
Intermediate Introduction to Academic English 200 hours Entry at Foundation English A only IELTS 5.0+
or TOEFL 500
Exit to GAC

The Foundation English program prepares students at intermediate-level for entry into the Global Assessment Certificate™ (GAC), or full-time study in English. It focuses on academic English and develops the skills students will need in the GAC. Stimulating activities have been designed to assist students develop critical thinking skills.

Interesting themes are covered in depth to build vocabulary. Themes include:

  • Extraordinary Lives
  • Catastrophes
  • Health and Happiness
  • Holidays
  • Crime and the Media
  • The Future 

Teachers do not need to spend time designing assessment tasks, as both ongoing skills-based assessment and final tests are included. Teacher instructions and assessment criteria are also provided for all assessment tasks.

Successful completion of this program leads to direct entry into the Global Assessment Certificate™ (GAC) program. Students then can progress to university entry.