State & District Accommodations Makeup Materials OrderĀ 

Please provide us with the following information about your school so we can ship materials for students to test during your makeup window as indicated in your schedule of events.

The form will ask you to upload a copy of your school's Accommodations and Supports Roster from PANext*, with the names of the students who will require makeup testing materials highlighted. Here are instructions to download your Accommodations and Supports from PANext: 

Please log into PANext at On the home page, please click on "Select an action" below the blue banner that reads "REPORTS." Choose the category "Operational Reports." 

Under "Report Categories" on the left side of the page, please click "Students & Registrations." The first link is "Accommodations and Supports Roster." Click on the link and choose "Request Reports Refresh." Leave the categories "Filtered Organization," "Test," and Accommodations Status" blank, and click on "Refresh Report." 

Click on "Download Report" to access your Accommodations and Supports Roster.  Include only students who will require makeup testing materials.  Delete the Date of Birth column.  Save as .xls.  Upload the spreadsheet below.

Your Information

Test Coordinator Information

School Information

Makeup Information