PreACT: North Carolina

Tips for Success

  1. Use the training content in ACT Now to access test administration resources and walk-through test administration preparation activities.
  2. Dates and deadlines for your test administration are found in the Important Dates section of this website.
  3. Watch for emails from ACT with important reminders. Add our email address to your contacts to prevent emails from going to spam/junk folders. Exempt list email addresses from and



Important Dates

The Schedule of Events contains all dates and deadlines for North Carolina's test event. Check it frequently to stay on track for testing.

  • ACT Now and TCM opens: August 5, 2024

Note: We recommend uploading students as early as possible but if you need to you can upload students, assign events, and add accommodations up to the day you test online.

  • PreACT Test Window: October 7, 2024 – November 15, 2024
  • Test Event 1: October 7, 2024 – October 25, 2024
  • Test Event 2: October 28, 2024 – November 15, 2024

Helpful Links

Expand each tray to reveal the information you're looking for.

ACT General Questions:

State Policy Questions:
Please contact your Regional Accountability Coordinator (RAC)

Step 1: Pre-Administration

  • Address Change Request Form (coming soon)
  • PreACT Online Testing System Check Survey (coming soon)

Learn about ACT Now

Set Up ACT Now

Invite or Manage Organizations in ACT Now:

Add Users with Roles to ACT Now:

Manage Your Students:

Manage Accommodations

Understand Accommodations:

  • Accessibility Supports Guide for the PreACT (web content) (coming soon)

Assign Accommodations:

Prepare Students for Testing with Accommodations:

Prepare for Testing 


  • Pre-Test PreACT Training (webinar) (coming soon)
  • Pre-Test PreACT Training (pdf) (coming soon)

Prepare Students for Testing

Tip: A copy of the Instructions for Completing Your Answer Document resource is printed and shipped with each paper answer document. Examinees testing with online testing will receive their instructions for completing the test in the online administration platform, TestNav.

Step 2: Administration

Access ACT Now Policy Modules

Tip: All ACT Polices need to be thoroughly read and agreed to in TCM, accessed through ACT Now. If you are serving as your site's Test Coordinator and Room Supervisor, you only need to agree to the training modules for the Test Coordinator. The information found in the Room Supervisor modules are captured in the Test Coordinator Modules.

Test Coordinator Modules:

Room Supervisor Modules:

Set Up TCM:

Administer Test 

Administer Test with Accommodations

  • PreACT Translated Directions (pdf) (coming soon)
  • Sign Language Interpreter’s Agreement (pdf) (coming soon)
  • Reader’s Agreement (pdf) (coming soon)
  • Scribe's Agreement (pdf) (coming soon)
  • Pre-recorded Audio Guidelines (coming soon)
  • Taking Assessments Online with a Screen Reader (pdf) (coming soon)

Tip: If you're looking for resources, manuals, test forms, and other test administration resources, you'll find them in ACT Now and TCM training content. Look for a test day checklist, polices and tutorials, and much more!

Return Test Materials

  • Secure Storage and Transport Test Materials (coming soon)
  • Packing Materials for Return in a Box Infographic (coming soon)

Step 3: Post-Administration

Access Online Reporting

  • ACT Online Reporting User Guide (pdf)

Understand Reports

  • Interpretive Guide for Student and Aggregate Reports (pdf)
  • PreACT Online Reporting Crosswalk (pdf)
  • PreACT Download Hub Data File Layout (xlsx)
  • ACT Online Reporting State and District Benefits, Features, Navigation, and Rosters (video)
  • ACT Online Reporting State and District Summary Data Tool Resources (video)
  • Sample Score Report (coming soon)

Help Students Access and Understand Reports