Dual Degrees vs. Double Majors 

Embarking on your college journey opens up a world of possibilities, and thinking about your academic path at the beginning, even if you’re not 100% sure, can help guide some important decisions. This page will help you explore the differences between dual degrees and double majors, helping you navigate your options and make informed choices that align with your goals and aspirations.  

What Is a Dual Degree? 

A dual degree program allows students to pursue two distinct degrees simultaneously, often in different fields of study. This path is rigorous but rewarding, providing a comprehensive education that can open doors to diverse career opportunities. By undertaking a dual degree, students can merge their passions and interests, gaining a unique skill set that sets them apart in the competitive job market. 

Examples of dual degrees include: 

Complementing Aspects: 

  • Technical Skills: A Computer Science degree can provide the technical programming and software development skills necessary to bring game designs to life. 
  • Creative Application: A degree in Game Design allows students to apply their technical skills creatively, focusing on user experience, storytelling, and interactive design. 
  • Industry Relevance: The gaming industry is highly technical and constantly evolving. Having skills in both design and computer science keeps graduates competitive and versatile in the field. 
  • Problem-Solving: Computer Science teaches logical thinking and problem-solving, which can be crucial when dealing with complex game design challenges. 
  • Collaboration: Understanding both the design and technical aspects of game development fosters better communication and collaboration with diverse teams in the industry. 

Complementing Aspects: 

  • Technical Expertise: An Engineering degree provides a strong technical foundation and problem-solving skills.
  • Business Acumen: An MBA equips students with leadership, management, and strategic thinking skills, essential for leading projects or starting new ventures. 
  • Career Advancement: This combination is highly valued in industries where understanding both the technical and business sides is crucial, often leading to leadership positions. 
  • Network Building: MBA programs typically offer extensive networking opportunities, which can be beneficial for engineers looking to expand their professional connections. 
  • Versatility: Graduates can expect to be well-prepared to work in various roles, from engineering to management, making them highly adaptable in a rapidly changing job market. 

Dual Degree Benefits

  • Diverse Skill Set: Gain expertise in two distinct fields, enhancing your versatility and employability. 
  • Networking Opportunities: Access to a broader range of professional networks and resources. 
  • Increased Career Prospects: Open doors to a wider array of job opportunities and potential career paths. 

Dual Degree Challenges

  • Time and Commitment: Dual degree programs are demanding and may require additional time to complete. 
  • Financial Considerations: Be mindful of the potential increased tuition and fees associated with pursuing two degrees. 
  • Work-Life Balance: Managing the workload of two degree programs can be challenging. 

What Is Double Majoring? 

Double majoring allows students to earn a single degree with two major areas of study. This option is ideal for those looking to deepen their knowledge in complementary or diverse fields without the commitment of a dual degree program. Double majoring provides a balanced approach, enabling students to explore multiple interests within a single degree framework. 

Examples of frequent double majors include: 

Complementing Aspects: 

  • Interdisciplinary Knowledge: This combination provides a comprehensive understanding of the life sciences, equipping students with the skills to tackle complex biological and chemical problems. 
  • Research Opportunities: Students have access to a wider range of research opportunities, enhancing their practical skills and making them attractive candidates for graduate programs or research positions. 
  • Medical and Health Fields: This double major is particularly beneficial for students aiming for careers in medicine, pharmacy, or other health-related fields, as it covers essential pre-medical coursework. 
  • Laboratory Skills: Both fields are laboratory-intensive, providing students with valuable hands-on experience that is crucial for many science-related careers. 
  • Flexibility in Career Choices: Graduates have a diverse skill set that opens doors to various fields, including biotechnology, environmental science, and education. 

Complementing Aspects: 

  • Strong Analytical Skills: This combination develops exceptional quantitative and analytical skills, essential for problem solving in various fields. 
  • Foundation for Advanced Study: It provides a solid foundation for graduate studies in either field, as well as in engineering, computer science, and finance. 
  • Research and Innovation: The overlap in mathematical methods and physical principles enhances students’ abilities to contribute to innovative research and technological advancements. 
  • Versatility in Careers: Graduates are well-prepared for careers in academia, industry, finance, and government, where strong analytical and problem-solving skills are valued. 

Double Major Benefits 

  • Broadened Perspectives: Exposure to different fields of study enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 
  • Competitive Edge: A double major can make you more attractive to potential employers and graduate programs. 
  • Flexibility: The ability to tailor your academic journey to align with your personal and professional goals. 

Double Major Challenges  

  • Increased Workload: Balancing the requirements of two majors can be demanding. 
  • Time Management: Efficiently managing your time is crucial to succeed in a double major program. 
  • Potentially Feeling Overwhelmed: The pressure of excelling in two fields can be stressful. 

Differences Between Dual Degrees and Double Majors 

As you might guess, dual degrees result in two separate diplomas, potentially from different departments or schools, while a double major results in a single diploma with two major areas of study. The table below can help you understand the key differences between the two. 

Dual Degree
Double Major
Depth of Knowledge Provides in-depth, specialized knowledge in two distinct fields.  Offers a broad and integrated understanding of two fields.
Time Commitment Typically requires more time to complete, possibly extending graduation timeline.  Can often be completed within a standard four-year college timeline. 
Financial Commitment May result in higher tuition costs due to additional coursework required. Generally does not require additional tuition costs, as students can often use electives to fulfill requirements.
Flexibility in Major Selection Programs are often predefined and may offer limited flexibility in choosing fields of study.  Students have the flexibility to choose any combination of majors, allowing for personalized academic journeys.
Integration of Fields Fields of study may remain more distinct, with less overlap in coursework. Encourages integration and interdisciplinary connections between two fields. 
Workload Demanding, with a substantial amount of coursework required for each field of study. Can be challenging, but allows for more balanced coursework distribution between the two fields. 
Networking Opportunities Access to professional networks and resources from two distinct fields.  Broad networking opportunities within the university, but may be less specialized. 
Career Prospects Opens doors to unique career paths that specifically require knowledge in both fields.  Enhances employability and provides a competitive edge, but may not lead to as specialized career paths. 
Best for students who want to: Pursue comprehensive and specialized knowledge in two distinct fields, even if it requires more time and financial investment. Combine and integrate knowledge from two fields without extending time in college or incurring additional costs.

Is a Dual Degree or Double Major Better? 

The choice between a dual degree and a double major depends on your individual goals, interests, and readiness for the commitment each path requires. Reflect on your career aspirations, passion for the subjects, and willingness to invest time and effort to determine the best fit for you.

How to Determine if a Double Major or Dual Degree is Right for You  

Deciding between a dual degree and a double major is a significant choice that requires careful consideration of various factors. 

Course Requirements

Examine the course requirements for each option to understand the time commitment and workload. Dual degrees will require additional credits and time, while a double major might offer more flexibility within a single degree framework. 


Consider your ability to manage the workload associated with pursuing two majors or degrees at once. Reflect on your time management skills and support systems to ensure you can balance academic responsibilities with personal well-being. 

Career Opportunities

To find out if pursuing a double major or a dual degree is worth it, you’ll need to research the potential career opportunities and advantages each option may provide. Consider how a dual degree or double major aligns with your long-term career goals and the skills employers in your desired field value.

Consider a Minor

If you're looking to diversify your academic experience without the commitment of a double major or dual degree, consider pursuing a minor in a complementary field of study.

More Resources for Choosing a College

Explore additional resources and tools to guide you through the college planning process and help you make the best choice for your future.