Networking in College

Making Connections for Lifelong Impact

College - the perfect place to collect knowledge… and professional connections. Campuses are full of professors who are leaders in their field and students who are passionate about important organizations. Establishing meaningful relationships throughout college can help you identify the influential people who could become important mentors or references.  

Join organizations.
Getting involved with an organization that you’re interested in can lead to friendships with likeminded people. These relationships can stretch beyond college and serve as great resources when it comes to applying to jobs or internships. 

Stay connected with professors.
You’ll bond with some professors more than others. When you find a teacher that inspires you in the classroom, make an effort to stand out among the crowd. Attend office hours, ask questions, and challenge yourself to be the best student you can be. When the semester is over, thank them being a positive influence on your life. Send relevant emails once in a while to keep your name top of mind. If they continue to respond and take an interest in your successes, they might be a great person to ask for a letter of recommendation in the future. 

Complete an internship.
Going to college means you’ll have a lot of opportunities to connect with students and teachers. However, completing an internship exposes you to people who have experience, and a network of associates, in your future field of work. Impressing a supervisor can lead to opportunities that extend far beyond an internship.  

Take advantage of networking events.
Attend job fairs that your college hosts, especially during your senior year. These events are a great reason to update your resume and test out your interviewing skills. If you talk to a company you’re interested in learning more about, make sure you get the rep’s business card so you can send a follow-up message.