ACT Ready for Work
Podcast Episode 33

The Role of Occupational Identity for Early Career Professionals

Personal journeys through education and career pathways are often filled with challenges and obstacles, making progress difficult and compromise frequent. Chelsea Williams of Reimagine Talent Co. helps us discover the role of occupational identity for career pathway success, with tips for job counselors, educators, and employers alike. 

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Chelsea Williams: LinkedIn
Jasen Jones Twitter: @JasenCJones
ACT Twitter: @act
ACT Workforce Solutions: LinkedIn
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Chelsea Williams, Reimagine Talent Co.

About Chelsea Williams

Chelsea C. Williams, founder of Reimagine Talent Co., is deeply passionate about reimagining work and leadership. As a workplace strategist, international speaker, and social entrepreneur, she supports national organizations in developing, engaging, and retaining emerging talent and building consciously equitable and inclusive workplaces. Chelsea started her early career on Wall Street and obtained her bachelor's in economics from Spelman College.