ACT WorkKeys Training
Your role as a staff member at an ACT® WorkKeys® test site requires that you have an active understanding of the policies and procedures. Each test coordinator, substitute test coordinator, room supervisor, and proctor should participate in this training.
Following this training plan provides you with the step-by-step resources to have a successful administration for both paper and online testing. As a result, you should be able to:
- Understand facility and staffing requirements
- Order, securely store, and return any paper testing materials
- Coordinate and administer the tests
Training Plan
- Bookmark the Administering the ACT WorkKeys Assessments National Testing webpage. This page is split between resources for testing online or paper and guides you through the seven steps of a test administration process. Familiarize yourself with the information found on the page. Watch the Navigating your ACT WorkKeys Website video to learn how to navigate the page and save web content as a pdf to reference throughout the testing year. This page also contains quick links to the Technical Requirements, Local Scan (if used by your program), and this Training page.
- The most important resources to read on the WorkKeys on Paper or WorkKeys Online page will be the administration manuals you find under Step 5. You use these on test day to administer the test.
- ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual Online Testing
- ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual Paper Testing
- If you are testing online, the Validus User Guide (found under Step 5) provides the instruction on using the Validus administration platform to prepare for test day.
- If you are testing paper, learn how to order test materials by using the resources found under Step 2.
- Register for and attend on demand trainings
- Creating Accounts and Using Batch Loading
- ACT WorkKeys Online Test Administration
- ACT WorkKeys Paper Test Administration
- Register for and attend monthly live virtual Spotlight on WorkKeys sessions. The registration calendar is located here.
- Use the Training Site for Site Administrators to practice what you’ve learned by registering examinees and launching the test. The website and login information is included in the Testing Staff Training Plan.
On Demand Webinars (No Cost)
Note: For specialized training topics, (for a fee) please access our Professional Services Catalog or call 888-826-1956 to discuss your specific training needs.
On demand training sessions include:
- ACT WorkKeys Creating Accounts Using Batch Load Training (video)
- ACT WorkKeys Online Test Administration (webinar) (on demand)
- Online Training handout (pdf)
- ACT WorkKeys Paper Test Administration (webinar) (on demand)
- Paper Training handout (pdf)
- ACT WorkKeys Business Writing (webinar) (on demand)
- ACT WorkKeys Applied Technology (webinar) (on demand)
- ACT WorkKeys Workplace Observation (webinar) (on demand)
- ACT WorkKeys Essential Skills Administration Training for Buzz Platform (on-demand webinar)
- ACT WorkKeys Essential Skills Administration Training for Other LMS (on-demand webinar)
National Reporting System Training:
These trainings are specific for the test sites administering the National Reporting System approved tests. A knowledge check is required after your participation in the webinar.
- Test Coordinator Training
- Tip: Participate in this training to learn how to create the examinee’s account, assign the NRS approved tests, and generate reports.
- Test Coordinator for Online Testing (webinar) (on demand)
- Test Coordinator Training (pdf)
- Proctor Training
- Tip: Participate in this training to learn how to administer the NRS approved tests.
- Proctor Training for Online Testing (webinar) (on demand)
- Proctor Training (pdf)