ACT Ready for Work
Podcast Episode 32

Preparing Workforce Ecosystems for Returning Citizen Success

Unprecedented skill shortages in labor markets across the United States often intersect with a desire for justice system reform that provides pathways for returning citizens to thrive. When optimized in a regional workforce ecosystem, returning citizens are a high-performing group of working learners to boost a regional talent pipeline. Episode 32 is the second in our two-part series on Preparing Workforce Ecosystems for Returning Citizen Success. We’ll look at a five Ps framework of partnerships, planning, preparation, pathways, and performance, with tips to launch or optimize regional reentry initiatives. 

“The whole idea of this grant, it’s to break the cycle and provide holistic support that aligns systems and provides advocacy platforms for returning citizens in the Mississippi Delta”

- Will Coppage, Executive Director of the Washington County, Mississippi, Economic Alliance 

Join the Conversation

Dr. Roderick Nunn: LinkedIn     
Neil Volz: LinkedIn    
Curtis Compogni: Website   
Michael Williams: LinkedIn    
Will Coppage: LinkedIn    
Presiding Judge Charles: LinkedIn
Jasen Jones Twitter: @JasenCJones
ACT Twitter: @act
ACT Workforce Solutions: LinkedIn
#ACTReadyForWork #ACTWorkforce

Episode Guests

Dr. Roderick Nunn

Executive Vice President of Concordance Academy in St. Louis 

Neil Volz

Deputy Director of the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition 

Curtis Campogni

Founder of Speak4MC 

Michael Williams

Education Consultant, North Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice 

Will Coppage

Executive Director of the Washington County, Mississippi, Economic Alliance 

Honorable Charles Elliot

Presiding Circuit Judge, Morgan County, Alabama