Dec 11, 2015

A Look at Year Two of ACT Aspire

For the 2014-2015 academic year, ACT Aspire data indicate a relationship between ACT Readiness Benchmark attainment rates and grade in school in Mathematics. The relationship in Reading for 2015 ACT Aspire data is less clear.



ACT Aspire data

A Look at Year Two of ACT AspireĀ®

Percentage of Students Meeting or Surpassing the ACT Readiness Benchmarks in Math and Reading, 2015

For the 2014-2015 academic year, ACT AspireĀ® data indicate a relationship between ACT Readiness Benchmark attainment rates and grade in school in mathematics.1 In mathematics, fewer students met or surpassed the ACT Aspire readiness standard in higher grades than in lower ones - 56.6% of third graders met the Benchmark while 31.2% of eighth graders did so.