The Interplay of College, Career and Work Readiness for Success
Whilethe terms college, career and work readiness are distinct, they are also complementary. For example, in order for an individual to be work ready for a specific occupation, they will also need to satisfactorily meet the levels of career readiness needed for that occupation’s career pathway. Without the necessary education and training credentials needed for a career (including academic degree, occupational certificates, and workforce certifications), most job seekers would not be considered to be fully qualified to enter a job or to be able to successfully perform on-the-job duties. Individuals will need to achieve different levels of career readiness for a given career pathway as they enter and exit the education and workforce development systems throughouttheir lifetime, a pathway that at some point will likely necessitate the need to achieve college readiness.
Figure 1. below provides a framework for how college, career and work readiness are complimentary. It expands on past models that are limited to measures of only academic and workplace cognitive skills, as opposed to competencies, which take into account knowledge, skills, abilities and behaviors that are important for career success.