Interest in Engineering and Technology by Race/Ethnicity and Gender


Expressed and Measured Interest


Chart Table
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity and Subject*
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity and Subject*
Race/Ethnicity Mathematics Science
All Students 72% 63%
Two or More Races 73% 66%
White 80% 73%
Pacific Islander 67% 48%
Hispanic 57% 42%
Asian 85% 71%
American Indian 44% 33%
African American 31% 23%
Chart Table
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Gender and Subject
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Gender and Subject
Gender Mathematics Science
Male 71% 62%
Female 79% 67%
Expressed Interest Only


Chart Table
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity and Subject*
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity and Subject*
Race/Ethnicity Mathematics Science
All Students 56% 45%
Two or More Races 59% 48%
White 68% 57%
Pacific Islander 46% 34%
Hispanic 44% 28%
Asian 77% 58%
American Indian 29% 22%
African American 20% 13%
Chart Table
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Gender and Subject
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Gender and Subject
Gender Mathematics Science
Male 54% 44%
Female 68% 53%
Measured Interest Only


Chart Table
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity and Subject*
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Race/Ethnicity and Subject*
Race/Ethnicity Mathematics Science
All Students 31% 27%
Two or More Races 29% 27%
White 36% 32%
Pacific Islander 16% 16%
Hispanic 20% 14%
Asian 58% 42%
American Indian 14% 9%
African American 6% 5%
Chart Table
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Gender and Subject
Percent of 2013 ACT-Tested High School Graduates Meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by Gender and Subject
Gender Mathematics Science
Male 32% 29%
Female 29% 23%

* Race/ethnicity categories changed for the 2010–2011 academic year to reflect updated US Department of Education reporting requirements.