Interest in Science by Benchmark Attainment


Overall STEM Interest
  • Between 2011 and 2015, the percent of students interested in STEM decreased by 1%.

Student STEM Interest Trends: 2011–2015

  2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Percent Nation 23% 23% 22% 22% 22%
N Count Nation 176,490 183,857 195,098 200,461 208,520
Overall STEM Interest

(N = 208,520)

Chart Table
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness Benchmark Attainment and Subject
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness Benchmark Attainment and Subject
Attainment Level English Reading Math Science
Met Benchmark 75% 59% 53% 51%
Within 2 Points of Benchmark 8% 12% 9% 14%
Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 17% 29% 38% 35%
Chart Table
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained
Benchmarks Met Graduates
0 20%
1 13%
2 14%
3 14%
4 39%
Expressed and Measured Interest

(N = 88,410)

Chart Table
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness Benchmark Attainment and Subject
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by ACT College Readiness Benchmark Attainment and Subject
Attainment Level English Reading Math Science
Met Benchmark 81% 65% 61% 59%
Within 2 Points of Benchmark 7% 11% 8% 14%
Below Benchmark by 3+ Points 13% 24% 31% 27%
Chart Table
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained
Percent of 2015 ACT-Tested High School Graduates by Number of ACT College Readiness Benchmarks Attained

Benchmarks Met Graduates
0 15%
1 11%
2 13%
3 15%
4 46%


Note: Reporting achievement by combinations of student characteristics may give rise to small N counts. As a result, outcomes reported in this section should be interpreted with caution.