Average 2024 ACT Test Scores by State

The table below classifies states by the percent of ACT-tested high school graduates, including the average Composite score and percent meeting ACT College Readiness Benchmarks by section.

A best practice is to examine a cohort of states with similar percentages of tested graduates (e.g., states testing between 0% and 25% of graduates, or states testing between 75% and 100% of graduates). 

State Estimated % of Grads Tested Average Composite Score
% Meeting English Benchmark (18) % Meeting Math Benchmark (22)
% Meeting Reading Benchmark (22) % Meeting Science Benchmark (23)
Alabama 100 18.0 43 18 30 21
Arizona 100 17.7 41 22 28 19
Kentucky 100 18.6 48 23 36 24
100 18.2 46 20 32 22
Mississippi 100 17.7 42 17 27 17
Nevada 100 17.2 37 15 25 18
Oklahoma 100 17.6 40 15 29 17
Tennessee 100 18.8 50 25 36 26
Wyoming 100 19.1 49 26 37 28
Montana 97 19.5 53 31 41 31
Arkansas 95 18.5 48 19 32 24
Nebraska 95 19.1 49 28 36 28
Wisconsin 94 19.4 52 30 37 32
North Carolina 89 18.5 42 25 35 26
Utah 89 20.0 57 32 43 34
North Dakota 87 19.6 53 32 39 32
Ohio 78 19.0 46 28 38 28
Kansas 72 19.3 50 27 39 29
Minnesota 66 20.7 56 39 46 40
Missouri 65 19.8 53 30 42 32
Hawaii 62 17.7 38 18 29 19
South Dakota 58 21.1 63 43 50 42
Florida 44 19.0 50 25 39 27
Iowa 43 21.0 63 37 51 41
South Carolina 40 18.7 46 24 36 27
Georgia 27 21.2 63 39 51 40
Texas 22 19.4 50 30 39 30
West Virginia 22 20.4 66 29 47 32
District of Columbia 17 26.7 88 70 82 72
Illinois 14 24.5 85 63 68 60
Alaska 13 19.9 55 33 47 35
Oregon 13 21.1 61 38 51 41
New Mexico 12 20.0 54 30 45 31
Idaho 10 23.3 77 57 65 53
New Jersey 10 24.1 79 60 65 57
Colorado 8 24.7 85 65 72 63
Connecticut 8 26.5 90 74 79 73
New York 8 25.4 85 70 73 68
Virginia 8 24.8 85 60 73 64
Indiana 7 23.3 76 59 63 54
Massachusetts 7 26.1 87 72 77 71
Maryland 6 24.7 83 59 71 61
Michigan 6 24.5 85 63 69 62
Vermont 6 23.6 81 52 66 55
Pennsylvania 5 24.3 81 62 68 60
Washington 5 24.5 78 61 69 61
Delaware 4 25.0 87 64 72 62
New Hampshire 4 25.9 88 70 78 70
Rhode Island 4 25.4 88 69 75 67
California 3 26.5 88 73 79 72
Maine 2 25.0 86 64 76 67












Source: Average ACT Test Scores by State Graduating Class of 2024

National Average ACT Test Scores

Understanding ACT score ranges and what they mean is crucial in evaluating your performance and determining where you stand in comparison to other test-takers.   

Each section has a test score range of 1-36:

  • Below Average Score Range: 1-16
  • Average Score Range: 17-24
  • Above Average Score Range: 25-36

Top 10 States with the Highest Average Scores

  • District of Columbia: 26.7
  • Connecticut: 26.5
  • California: 26.5
  • Massachusetts: 26.1
  • New Hampshire: 25.9
  • Rhode Island: 25.4
  • New York: 25.4
  • Maine: 25.0
  • Delaware: 25.0
  • Virginia: 24.8

Source: Average ACT Test Scores by State Graduating Class of 2024

Does the Average ACT Score Matter?

Different colleges have varying average ACT score ranges. While some universities may look for students with scores in the 30s, others may consider scores in the mid-20s as competitive. For example, the average ACT score for admitted students at Harvard University is 34 compared to the average ACT score of 23 for admitted students at University of Massachusetts Boston.  

How to Raise Your ACT Score

There are a number of ways to approach improving your ACT score.

Starting as early as your sophomore year gives you the following benefits:

  • Having the test experience at a time when the stakes are lower and you have plenty of time to improve your score. 
  • Establishes a baseline score so that you know what subject areas to focus on for test prep.
  • Gives you time to take the ACT more than once so that you can build your superscore.

Ready to Learn More About Registering for the ACT?